Providing Leadership at the State Level
To further assist Santa Monica College in particular and community colleges in general, I stepped up to work with fellow trustees at the state level. In 2010, I was elected (by a vote of Boards of Trustees from all 72 California community colleges) to the California Community College Trustees (CCCT) Board of Directors. As a member of the CCCT Board and as a representative of SMC, I make the time to regularly go to Sacramento, to meet with legislators and to give personal testimony on behalf of California’s community colleges and SMC. In May 2014, I was elected CCCT President. I have also served as a member of the Community College League of California (CCLC) board.
To stay abreast of research that can improve the effectiveness of community colleges in meeting the needs of students, I also serve as an Ex-officio Board Member of The Research & Planning Group for California Community Colleges. I am the only trustee serving on this board. I use this position to bring the latest research to both Santa Monica College and to my colleagues across the state via my leadership on the CCCT, CCLC, and SMC boards.