SMC Board Goals and Priorities |
As a member of the current Santa Monica College Board of Trustees, I help develop the Board’s annual Goals and Priorities, which reflect my priorities and areas of focus for SMC. If re-elected, I will continue my focus on student success, collaboration with community partners, sustainability, and the fiscal integrity necessary for SMC's advancement. Following are the Board’s Goals, which reflect priorities where I strive and push for continued progress.
Santa Monica College Board of Trustees Goals and Priorities, 2018-2020
Access. Excellence. Equity.
I. Educational Advancement and Quality
- Use data, inquiry, and evidence for improving services at all levels.
- Implement multiple measures, guided pathways, and models of support that increase student success. Monitor retention and completion rates, especially for groups of students identified in the student equity plan including African-American, Latino/a, and low-income students.
- Increase the number of SMC students annually who acquire associates degrees, credentials, certificates, or specific skill sets that prepare them for an in-demand job.
- Increase the number of SMC students transferring annually to a UC or CSU or other four-year university.
- Decrease the average number of units accumulated by SMC students earning associate's degrees.
- Increase the percent of exiting SMC CTE students who report being employed in their field of study.
- Reduce equity gaps across all of the above measures through faster improvements among traditionally underrepresented student groups.
- Develop and launch an SMC Promise program for all eligible first time in college, full-time students.
- Continue to support and hire a diverse, outstanding, and innovative faculty and staff that demonstrate a commitment to student success, engagement and equity. Seek to increase the percentage of full-time faculty over time.
- Enhance and develop programs and pathways that meet the current and future needs of local and regional industry and business. Strengthen, promote and expand enrollment in existing workforce and career technical programs.
- Assess and focus on solutions to barriers related to students’ financial resources. For example, but not limited to:
• Increase financial literacy; support faculty adoption of open educational resources and other efforts to reduce the high cost of textbooks; work with partner agencies to address food and housing insecurity; increase the percentage of eligible students who receive financial aid; and strive to provide more jobs for students on campus.
- Assess and focus on solutions to barriers related to students’ personal circumstances that may negatively impact student success. For example, but not limited to:
• Develop and identify resources, referrals, and protocols for better assisting undocumented students, students with mental health challenges, LGBTQIA students, foster youth, veterans, and other special student populations with common challenges.
• Train faculty and staff on protocols for serving these students and students in distress.
- Complete and open the new student services building. Leverage the new facility to maximize meeting students’ needs, interests, and goals; and to increase equity. Ensure a welcoming experience for students and the public.
- Explore developing an SMC University Center to provide students with more access to BA programs.
II Fiscal Health and Internal Operations
- Develop a strategic vision for the future of the college.
- Ensure among board members and the college community at large an understanding of the implications, opportunities, and risks inherent in the new funding formula.
- Assure an effective and dynamic college by ensuring long-term fiscal stability.
• Ensure the financial health of the College through enrollment management and development, appropriate student-serving adjustments to maximize revenues from the funding formula, revenue-generation, cost control, and restructuring, as necessary.
• Pursue and obtain appropriate external funding.
- Build and maintain a reserve sufficient to protect against anticipated and unforeseen circumstances.
- Revisit the plan to safeguard post-retirement employee benefits and develop and implement a plan to fund increasing PERS, STRS, and other benefit obligations.
- Ensure a supportive, inclusive, and collegial environment for students and staff.
- Provide reports for the Board that align with Board Goals, funding formula metrics, and the Vision for Success.
III. Community and Government Relationships
- Lead the work of partnering across systems (cities/school district/ government/community/ education). Strengthen community and government relationships and partnerships in fulfillment of SMC’s vision and mission.
- Support Emeritus through consistent maintenance, continue to promote academic programs, and remain vigilant against state funding reductions.
- Monitor and maintain access for the community to SMC classes.
- Continue to work with the Cities of Santa Monica and Malibu and the SMMUSD. For example, but not limited to:
• Strengthen and expand programs, pathways, concurrent dual enrollment, Young Collegians, SMC Promise and other partnerships or special programs that serve local students and increase college-readiness and success.
• Hold an annual joint meeting with the Board of Education
- Work with allies in Sacramento and Washington, D.C. to improve policies, and funding as needed. Advance legislative solutions to issues challenging the college.
IV. Facilities and Sustainability
- Enhance facilities and technology infrastructure, integration and staffing. Improve the condition of current facilities, including air conditioning.
- Maintain progress on all SMC security, technology infrastructure, and facilities construction projects as described in the SMC construction plan.
- Continue as a model of sustainability for all areas of the college. Continue to promote and support the use of more sustainable modes of transportation for students and staff.
- Update the Facilities Master Plan.
Approved by the Board of Trustees: August 7, 2018
Revisions approved by the Board of Trustees: September 4, 2018